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Accessing Those Hard-To-Reach Toribash Files & Folders [Mac]

Mac Basics
Accessing Those Hard-To-Reach Toribash Files & Folders

Since hampa is about the only one that uses a Mac outside of the US, I'm here to clear up any problems that all you Mac users might have. Having been using a Mac since the beginning of my time on the computers, I've learned my way around pretty well. This guide is updated to work with Mountain Lion and above but some things have carried over from previous version of OS X.

Accessing Basic Files:
In almost 100% of the cases, the Toribash folder can be found by doing the following (since it is a default setting after downloading):
1. Click Finder on the Dock
2. Click Applications on the left-hand sidebar
3. Scroll down to Toribash and click to open
Basic folders most ordinary users access are as follows:
  • replay - This directory is were all your replays are stored that you have saved via F after a match
  • screenshots - Where your screenshots that you have saved via the in-game hotkey can be found.
  • user exported mods - Mods that you have exported via the mod builder are here.
  • autosave - The location were all auto-saved replays will be if you have that setting selected.
  • custom - All of the data collected about you and other users (and uke/tori) such as sounds, textures, etc.

Accessing Other Files:
These files are classified as "other" since the ordinary user might not use them too often or miss them while trying to find them.
1. Click Finder on the Dock
2. Click Applications on the left-hand sidebar
3. Scroll down to Toribash and click to open
4. Click the folder labeled data
  • fonts - Stores all the fonts used in Toribash.
  • mod - Contains all the mods currently used by Toribash.
  • music - Music that game with the game.
  • scripts - All of your scripts and such go here generally ending in .lua.
  • sounds - Game sounds like impacts and hits.
  • textures - GUI textures that can be replaced by items owned by the user.

Extra Content:
You will find this folder in your main Toribash directory.
Contains logos, screenshots and other promotional information.

Opening Toribash On A Mac That Can't Handle Shaders:
If you're looking for a PC tutorial, you're in the wrong place but that thread can be found here.
1. Follow the steps from "Accessing Basic Files"
2. Find the file titled default.cfg
3. Right-click and select Open With which will bring up a drop down menu and then click Other
4. Locate TextEdit in the window that appears and click Open
5. Make sure TextEdit is set to Make Plain Text in the Format menu
6. Locate the line that says shaders "1" and change the value to 0
7. Save the file and open Toribash
Last edited by wizard; Nov 27, 2016 at 08:40 AM.
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