Original Post
Make an Alliance With Newbs
I dont know who is the leader since GenX000 left, but I am asking on behalf of [Beta] if we could build an alliance with the Newb Clan.
Please Respond as soon as possible.
We have the same goal of trying to train newbies and teach them moves so that they can get ready to move onto another clan. Its just that we dont go to diffrent clans unless someone quits.
Originally Posted by chaztizzle View Post
Yagr why not, keep your friend close and ye enimies closer


anyways I dunno cause I am not in this clan lol.
interesting proposal... however i notice that [beta] is not a registered clan. so i have decided that we at NEWB shall support your clan until you become official, and during this time if we find you to be a valuable ally then sure our alliance shall be formed