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Will TC be worth more or less after the steam release?
See title. I want to know because if it will be worth less, I'm selling my tcs.

I want to know your opinion, of course no one can know for sure..

Thanks in advance!
price per dollar shouldnt be affected for a long time to come.
although we can either expect to see the value drop severely in the long run or have the old rules that control the price of TC reinstated.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
I doubt its going to get much cheaper than 100k=10$ It might very well get more expensive than that seeing that there are a bigger demand in TC than the TC sellers are often able to sell, but the market trend has been at 100k=10$ for so long that people feel ripped off when they only get offers that are more expensive than 100k=10$ that they often to prefer to wait until a cheaper offer arrives or just prefer to not buy TC at all as an alternative.

I think that introducing a lot of new players will make TC more expensive rather than the other way around, because the people that sits with a lot of TC to sell are in most cases players that are already well established, while new players are more likely to want to buy TC rather than sell TC because they just got the game and have no TC (obviously)