Weekend Bash
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(CombatBot) Spirals's Replay Thread Of ... idk man
Welcome Valuable Customer
This is my replay thread.
Remember, CnC is always welcome.

My award winning replays
Attached Files
#Combat - Dick punch.rpl (116.5 KB, 218 views)
#Combat - For the Decap.rpl (113.1 KB, 120 views)
#Combat - The muffin man.rpl (140.0 KB, 102 views)
#Combat - Who will die first.rpl (221.8 KB, 85 views)
Last edited by Spirals; Dec 6, 2019 at 04:48 AM.
I forgot how amazing -9.82 gravity was for replay making. 6 Dismembers in one go

Dont watch the first one, I polished it with the second
Attached Files
#Combat - Renewing -9.82.rpl (154.6 KB, 55 views)
#Combat - Renewing -9.82.rpl (170.8 KB, 63 views)
Last edited by Spirals; Jul 4, 2014 at 06:51 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Also known as CombatBot
opener was good, but got more ew towards the end

idgaf dm's look better when they're booms, not 1DM's
i can sense a gooooood deal of realism in you, so use it and try out some of the simpler stuff for a while before going destructo-wow. A really cool opener with a few stylish dm's would suffice

still, good job. cool stuff.
the goblin
Originally Posted by Marrez View Post
opener was good, but got more ew towards the end

idgaf dm's look better when they're booms, not 1DM's
i can sense a gooooood deal of realism in you, so use it and try out some of the simpler stuff for a while before going destructo-wow. A really cool opener with a few stylish dm's would suffice

still, good job. cool stuff.

Yeah, all my past replays I've posted were about dms, not realsim.

Here's a quick all-boomhit (except for last one) replay, Then to work on realism!
Attached Files
#Combat - Best Boomhit(s).rpl (141.0 KB, 49 views)
Last edited by Spirals; Jul 22, 2014 at 08:40 AM.
Also known as CombatBot