Weekend Bash
Original Post
What is Forum VIP? What Perks do I get?
What is Forum VIP?
Forum VIP (formerly split into ToriPrime & VIP) is a >service available for purchase<. This allows you to have certain perks and features unlocked while using the forums - mostly for cosmetic purposes.
Forum VIP costs $3.00 for 3 months or $5.00 for 6 months.

Forum VIP Privileges
Forums VIP effectively allows you to:
  • upload larger avatars (up to 150x150 pixels).
  • upload animated avatars (also up to 150x150 pixels).
  • add a special character before your name.
  • have up to 6 lines in your signature.
  • upload a signature picture (up to 650x100 pixels) and use it with the [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] tags.
  • upload animated signature images (less than 350 kb).
  • upload a background image in your posts (not animated, less than 500 kb).
  • have custom usertitles free of cost (only text, no markup).
  • have access the VIP board. (A hidden board in the forums for Forum VIP subscribers. Call it a cool club if you will.)
  • see who owns a specific item in the Torishop.
  • purchase usertitles from the >Usertitle Shop< for reduced prices.

Here is an >alternate link< allowing you to subscribe to forum VIP.

It's worth mentioning to avoid further cases of confusion:
  • Forum VIP no longer grants discounted in-game broadcasts.
  • The search function can be used by all users regardless of subscriptions now.

All global rules apply to all avatars, signatures and post backgrounds uploaded. Violation of said rules will result in immediate punishment with VIP status revoked. There will be no warnings.
Last edited by ancient; Oct 9, 2023 at 02:35 AM. Reason: Correction for avatar sizes for VIP allowances