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Recruiting Rules
ok after accepting reddeath into clan i realized we didnt really have a clear way to bring ppl in to the clan anymore, so i thought i'd make this so everyone knows wat they can and cannot do:

(plz note im not mad at reddeath for joining or tortle for recruiting him, im just making this so someone joining is more organized)

oh ya and i also updated the join thread so check that out too, it applies to wat i say here..

Leader: can recruit (and deny) ppl directly into the clan.

can get an applicant past the in-game test and then applicant will b put to a poll or accepted immediately with Leader's approval

Regular Members: can b put as recommendations in join application and can be automatically approved for an in-game test with 3 or more verifiable recommendations

now i kno this sound kinda detailed n stuff... its rly just a rough version of wat final rules will b (although these r in effect for now) so post and tell me wat u think.. also if u guys have any suggestions feel free to ask.

k thnx