Real-time market approximated price updating and other item related things
I was thinking that the market could be updated in such a way where players can see how much an item would approximately be worth and how often that particular item is selling based on the statistics of people buying. Meaning that the market would display how much an item is "really" worth currently based on how often it is put into the market, what price it is put at in the market, and how often it is bought from the market as well as the torishop. Making it a bit easier on the players who sell their items often to find a good price to buy and sell at in order to make their profit, also making it easier for the consumer to know how much they could be buying this item for. For example: an orc force is 150tc in the torishop but since it is currently out of stock, it is being sold in the market in a minimum of 395tc. So this market tab system takes in consideration all the orc forces in the market, the lack of orc forces in the torishop, how many people are actually buying the orc forces and creates an approximate price range from minimum to maximum amount that this item "should" be sold/bought at.
I realize the Items forum is the prime place for marketing players to do their business, but as far as I can tell there is also heavy usage of the market itself in order to get better deals that they might not make if they had posted a thread and got their price haggled down. It also may be beneficial to be able to add rarity of the item in circulation to the mix of this approximated price formula. So that even though there isn't a huge demand in void forces because most people don't have the qi, it is still worth a large amount do to there not being as many void forces owned.
So, a summary if this is tl;dr - I'd like to see a system integrated into the current market system where a player can tell the approximate 'street' prices of an item based on: how many people own it (rarity), how many people buy it straight out of the market, how many people sell it, what price is it being bought at more often, etc.
The one downfall I see of this currently is that it is a lot of effort to make this efficient, probably a lot of coding, or maybe even so much effort that it's not even possible with the amount of work force that toribash has with the ability to do this. Anyway, just a thought, feel free to shoot holes in my idea as you see fit, or point out any flaws. Also point out any grammatical mistakes D8