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decap custom sound
this may sound stupid
or unnecessary
make a cusotm sound for decaps
i am not talking about these sounds u upload on the forum(i cant stand them)
i am talking about the custom sound ingame

what i want in tl;dr
insert a custom decap sound that is different than the normal dm sound
INB4 14 days ban
Originally Posted by scorpionma View Post
this may sound stupid
or unnecessary

It does

Chopping off someones head with your foot won't really sound different to chopping off someones arm with your foot.

It's just extra work that probably won't achieve much except for just a "sound that is different"
Chopping off someones head with your foot won't really sound different to chopping off someones arm with your foot.

since when dub step comes when u hit someone (hit sounds)
Decap is unuiqe from other dmes
and we need something to imply that the person got decaped
INB4 14 days ban
So its just a request of change in sound of decap?
I don't see any difference in changing the sound.If one is decapped you can see it.
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