Weekend Bash
Original Post
SkyWhale's Replay Thread
Hey all you sexy beasts! Thanks for checking out my replay thread! Any criticism or critique is appreciated. Edits and suggestions are encouraged.

Please skip to the end to see my best replays.

old ugly things...
Attached Files
Tricking- Wizard.rpl (235.4 KB, 89 views)
SkyWhale- ShadowV2.rpl (479.7 KB, 52 views)
SkyWhale- Confetti.rpl (249.4 KB, 121 views)
Newest ninja.rpl (431.9 KB, 74 views)
ninja_warrior_parkour1.tbm (21.2 KB, 87 views)
Last edited by SkyWhale; Feb 23, 2016 at 03:48 AM.
So, new replay. It's a little bit stiff, but pretty savage. I couldn't make a skeet look good in this one. CnC please.

I'd appreciate some on the ones above as well.
Attached Files
SkyWhale- Hate.rpl (312.6 KB, 73 views)
New replays, I was gone for a week so I had some time off. Most of that was spent texturing, but I made a few replays. They're not the greatest, but not the worst either. Enjoy!

By the way, thanks for cncing CombatBot
Attached Files
Ghost Spar- The True North.rpl (200.9 KB, 37 views)
SkyWhale- Awake V2.rpl (128.3 KB, 29 views)
Tricking- Remember.rpl (189.5 KB, 29 views)
New replay guys, enjoy. This one is my first back to back replay against uke, as well as my first skeet that released off my foot instead of my hand. Maybe not the greatest pose of all time, but oh well. Thanks ;)
Attached Files
SkyWhale- Rewind.rpl (260.1 KB, 77 views)
I've seen many 'back to back' replays before and this right here is some generic stuff. Opener was meh, nothing I haven't seen before. First kick was good and the skeet was alright. Not bad.
alright so

everything in the beginning was pretty simple and nice
well executed no doubt, but simple and generally didn't impress me
but when that fucking kick skeet came in, that's when i was really impressed
it was well executed and it did something. some people aren't impressed by skeets, but i love the sight of them and kick skeets are the next best thing

nice one
the goblin
At first I improved the boom, but now i'm editing my post as I realized you cheaped this replay. Messing with the dismemberthreshold wont get you anywhere, I was experimenting with the replay again, and noticed your foot breaking off way to easily, so I went into notepad with the replay and you got it set at -200?
Attached Files
Lol buddy.rpl (11.1 KB, 43 views)
Last edited by Donkey; Aug 16, 2014 at 12:13 PM.
father of philip scone