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[Wip][Tex]Exodius Set Project W/ Joints
Hey so I've been working on a special unique set where you cant see everywhere, the process was fun and pain at the same time, cause sometime i got inspiration, but sometime it went away.

In this case the project took me about a month or maybe more. but i will finish the whole thing this week since only a few fix need, which are the following:

-Fixing Hands
-Finishing L_bicep
-Fixing L_elbow
-Finishing Neck joint
-Some Lil' Correction

Program Used:-Adobe Illustrator for the main shapes and the whole construction was in there
-Gimp 2 for resizing and some afterwork

Artist is obviously me if you wouldnt get it.

The Exodius Set

here it is how it looks, i dont know i will go more cuz im already satisfied now

I would Appreciate if i could hear some Cnc and such as Rate

*Note: I made two heads for this set but i think this looks better with it
*Note2:First time i thought i make this set for myself, but if i hear nice offers i might change my mind
Last edited by Marci6; Aug 13, 2014 at 03:23 PM.
leafy bits are awesome.
not such a fan of the rest. the straight grey lines outright ruin the overall effect and the head is meh.
you'd be better off removing them, the set doesnt need them.
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 11, 2014 at 12:30 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
leafy bits are awesome.
not such a fan of the rest. the straight grey lines outright ruin the overall effect and the head is meh.

hmm myself i like the leg part, but yeh the torso lines hurts my eyes too so i think i will work on something new on that, maybe give me some idea?
Maybe have like little twigs in the front binding together and making the leaves into kimda a shirt. And for the head you can also use the idea and form some kind of helmet maybe. Legs, same thing maybe?

The Exodius Set

here it is how it looks, i dont know i will go more cuz im already satisfied now
The theme for this set is weird, but it looks pretty amazing, and you mapped the green shrubs for the joints pretty good too.

But can you explain the theme of this set?
I found the torso and left leg really enjoyable. Everything else seems out of place. I don't understand how that robotic head and those grey bits on the legs fits with this leafy set. Also, are you just placing random Mandarin words? I don't see how those words relate to this set.
hmm it changed pretty much through the construction so i dont even know myself

those leafy stuffs started as green gas and the head got gasmask (not this head another one)

then i improvised and this came to be as a result, i like it myself tried something moderinsh and simple


it looked nice actally actually so i decided to keep it on
Last edited by Marci6; Aug 13, 2014 at 03:56 PM.
you left those grey spikes on the legs.
that makes me sad.

do the leg the same way you did the torso.
get rid of the ugly spikes.

head texture is still meh.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
ehh dunno there is no ending line on the legs i mean the leafy bits are opened on the leg so it wouldnt work filling the whole area with grey

and actually i would love to keep that head, i like it much but meh somehow i try to figure it out how to make this head more fitting into this set

or gimme ideas for the new head lawl