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A event idea
Okay so tonight I was in a server with stealth and beta thinking about clan only events if those are even aloud anymore.
It will be a spin-off of rags to riches but it will be something like duels to riches but I will need to come up with a better name
7 people will be aloud to join since clan only
The seven people will get 5k to buy any amount of items they want then once everyone has the items the fun will begin
Over the course of a week the seven people the people will duel for items only
the people will need to take screenshots of the duel terms and each win for them to be valid
There will be no dueling of each other because that will screw everyone in the event over
At the end of the week the 3 people who have the most value in items will be the 3 to advance into the "final stage"
The 3 will duel in randomly picked mods to 7 wins
You may be thinking how would that work there is 3 people?
The person with the most value will have immunity from this
So who ever wins the bo7 will go on to facing the person with immunity
The winner of this will get all the items made from the event
Everyone else will get blue ribbons
So I would like your critique any ideas that should be added flauds/removed etc...

Saying "oh cold will just win is not critique"
Sorry for any bad grammar its late over here
They are allowed.

1.Where would they get the 5k?
2. People can have alts in another can and participate that way without any of us ever knowing.
3. Sounds like half the people wouldn't get on in time like clanleague.
4. Doesn't sound good for a clan event.
5. items won't be made most likely. I've asked before.
Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin
Originally Posted by Jak View Post
They are allowed.

1.Where would they get the 5k?
2. People can have alts in another can and participate that way without any of us ever knowing.
3. Sounds like half the people wouldn't get on in time like clanleague.
4. Doesn't sound good for a clan event.
5. items won't be made most likely. I've asked before.

1.I'll get the tc needed for the event.
2.I may add in a rule of the person you duel must have a certain belt or something this is quite hard to go around.
3.A extended timeline can help that.
4.How so? I think we all like to make tc.
5.Do you mean custom items? The prize will be the items everyone has made from dueling.
Originally Posted by daxter99 View Post
5k items?
so if you buy like 100 chrono forces those will be bad items. SO Supposedly buying 1 item what happens?

They are given 5k to buy any item that is 5k or less it can be 184 chronos forces or it can be 2 vampire relaxes that is key part of the event on what you start out with it can be one 5k worth item or 2 items that cost 5k together
So if you buy 1 item you have 1 item to duel with
Last edited by -Kas-; Nov 5, 2014 at 07:07 AM.
Originally Posted by daxter99 View Post
But how will it be like ''the best worthy item''

I'm confused on what you mean like the item that is the fairest?
i dont like this event idea , is not better make a tourney first to 3 in 4 diferent mods like this

JenssonFTW vs -Ian-

Aikidobidojo.tbm: 1 -Ian-
Wushu3: 1 JenssonFTW
Judofrac: 2 JenssonFTW
Rk-mma: 2 -Ian-

And last can be discussed by the 2 players until they agree on a mod. ( or just repeat ABD)

And entry can be donations to clan bank like 5k-10k and final tc amount is the prize for 1st 2nd and 3rd places.

Idk just saying and giving my opinion.
I'd win anyways :>
ancient Moderated Message:
you've had the previous signature since 2019, i wonder how long it'll take you to notice this