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[TEX]Head/Maybe set? Cyrox E1.

Well i started work again. Im still home and i do all i can to do more textures.
I started something robotic, is like the third time i'm trying something like that and i have to say it look's good.
The question is, should i continue it and do a set for it?
Size is like the same 512x.
Program used Photoshop.
Cnc and rate will be apreciated
merry x-mas everyone !
up for request
I'm not an expert but I would add hints of red on the metallic plates (?) just to get that glowing effect. It adds more magic to the head overall since your focus point is pretty much on the eye, to me at least.

It's simple and effective, I hope you don't make any drastic improvements/changes to it. Making a set out of it would make it pretty boring and over the top imo. Not all good heads need a set to go with them anyway. Still a fan of your cartoon work, keep it up.
Looking good.. I like the shading. Looks like you could add more detail to the sides and top, and like iAwesome said, adding a bit of a glowing affect to the eye would be cool.

Now, about making a set out of it.. I don't see a way to make a set out of its current form without making a really generic set.. It is a nice head, but it's not that "unique".
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.