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Your thoughts on anarchy.

Before you say it is a stupid idea, realize this:

Anarchy is a system in which no heirarchy, State, police force, army, establishment, bank, form of advertising or courthouse exists.

There is but one rule.

Do not harm others in any way shape or form.

The people are their own police force, everyone in the world can do a job that they like, not based on the hours put into the work, but the required amount of work itself. Once the work is completed, they can do what they want.

It is not a rejection of modern day conveniences, but it is literally the power of the people.

You can say and do what you want in an anarchical society, as long as it does not physically harm another person.

Everyone provides everyone elses food, shelter, water and clothing for everyone else.

There is no leader, only those to be remembered for their contributions.

This is why communism failed. Because everyone was controlled by their leader.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
Anarchy is utopia, it's impossible.

Humans are genetically wired to work in a hierarchy, just like most other mammals and insects.
There is always a leader/leaders in any society.

The ONLY way anarchy can work is in very small commutes, with 1-2 families living together. Even than, it'll be very frail, like a bubble. Whenever one of the residents develops a high reputation (either by earning everyone's trust and admiration or by using force and manipulation), he will spell an end to that little anarchy since he will essentially be viewed as a leader.
Last edited by Odlov; Sep 6, 2008 at 11:06 AM.
and thats why america fails too *cough*President*cough*

But that sounds cool with me, but what happens if you break the rule?
Humans will always be humans.

For anarchy to work, everyone would have to be the perfect individual, with no sense of egosentrism and full understanding and empathy for everything.

Communism was never meant to be controlled by biased and corrupt leaders, but there will always be power-hungry people that would do what they can to get on top of the system.
Anarchy=A big yes.

There is a thing called "having too much order"
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
Originally Posted by Tyfuu View Post
but what happens if you break the rule?

The rest of the people will punish you as they see fit (remember, no one regulates the punishment, except the threat of more punishment)

Originally Posted by CMon View Post
For anarchy to work, everyone would have to be the perfect individual, with no sense of egosentrism and full understanding and empathy for everything.

Ai, too bad its so hard to get a high concentration of people like that in one area =(

Anarchy would be cool, but the lack of regulations tend to make people get a bit crazy... especially if you have idiot hilly billys in the society...
When I see you, my heart goes DOKI⑨DOKI
Fish: "Gorman has been chosen for admin. After a lengthy discussion we've all decided that Gorman is the best choice for the next admin."
Originally Posted by Tyfuu View Post
and thats why america fails too *cough*President*cough*

But that sounds cool with me, but what happens if you break the rule?

Note how I said "The people are their own police force".

The offender would have to be disarmed and exiled.

As for CMon's statement.
Go around and ask everyone how they feel about the system they work in. Everyone I ask about this says it's impossible, but a damn good idea.

Where have we got the idea that anarchy is bad?
The media.
Who controls media content?
The governments.
What is the government's way of enforcing rules?
The police.
Who makes the laws for the police to unquestionably follow?
The government.

It's a god damn bodyguard system.

The police are not here to "protect and serve" us, if you look at the evidence.
Their purpose is to protect the government from US.
Last edited by Mister616; Sep 6, 2008 at 12:52 PM.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
Does ANYONE here like their job?
Discuss this please.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
The rest of the people will punish you as they see fit (remember, no one regulates the punishment, except the threat of more punishment)

Ai, too bad its so hard to get a high concentration of people like that in one area =(

Anarchy would be cool, but the lack of regulations tend to make people get a bit crazy... especially if you have idiot hilly billys in the society...

Originally Posted by Mister616 View Post
Note how I said "The people are their own police force".

The offender would have to be disarmed and exiled.

As for CMon's statement.
Go around and ask everyone how they feel about the system they work in. Everyone I ask about this says it's impossible, but a damn good idea.

Where have we got the idea that anarchy is bad?
The media.
Who controls media content?
The governments.
What is the government's way of enforcing rules?
The police.
Who makes the laws for the police to unquestionably follow?
The government.

It's a god damn bodyguard system.

The police are not here to "protect and serve" us, if you look at the evidence.
Their purpose is to protect the government from US.

One person breaks the main and only rule. Others can't punish him physically. What would they do? Exile, as you said? What if that person resists? Other people can't force him physically to "go out".
Well, the stupid thing about this is, there will always be a majority of people and minorities, may it be based on race, religion or other atributes. What will happen is, one member of the majority will harm another guy in a minority. Then, blocks will be formed. For example, the christians and the muslims. If a christian kills a muslim, no christian will punish him. If the muslims avenge the death of the muslim, it'll result in racism and all the muslims, seeing there are many more christians than muslims, will be killed or oppressed.
Anarchy won't work if you have any communities. At all. Which is impossible, except if you raise a population of people away from the rest of humankind.
Originally Posted by BladeNin
Is he a player or a monster?