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Sesshin Shanghai (shop bug?)
around 1 this morning i bought the sesshin subscription, and in the torishop it was 1tc, as was advertized, but when i purchased it, it cost a whole 1,000 toricredits, and I really don't know if this was a bug or a plot to steal my earnings or just an april fools joke. A helpful reply would be awesome. Thanks.

Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip. – Winston Churchill
they just raised it so people would stop buying more or something, i dont remember what solax said specifically about the price raise.

EDIT : "Price raised to 1k to discourage multiple buying..." ~ Solax.
price was raised for that reason ^^^
self proclaimed lurker and stalker
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
No, read the bolded warning. They are account exclusive and have no sale/marketing value. This is a test item for the beta program.
Refilled the stock and raised the price. Read the bold and stop ruining this for everyone else. Price raised to 1k to discourage multiple buying...

Price was raised to 1k indeed.
Modo Bestia
do i get to complain because the shop still said 1 TC and thats the only reason i bothered?
or is it blamed on me?
Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip. – Winston Churchill
Don't worry about it retro. It's probably just a bug or problems updating to in game. There's a lot of stuff like that.

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