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[Tint] Gaming Chat
What games have you guys been playing recently? I own an Xbox One (I'm ascending to master race in Summer) and I play a lot of Battlefield 4 and Minecraft. On my 360 I still play Skyrim when I can. I'm currently playing a nord who uses 2 handed weapons and is super op. After exams I'm going to start my 5th Khajiit playthrough but he's going to be an unarmed heavy armour kinda kitty.

My gamertag is Bjorkestad if you wanna hit me up on the xbox
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Unarmed is fun to do, don't got an xboner though. Here's my steam community thingy i play csgo on steam and ugh GTA V and uughhhhh whatevers in usually
i created the ??? emoji
like a lighter bitch we ignit
That's another game! GTA 5 is great fun. We should make a [Tint] crew
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
CSGO is where it's at. I've been hooked on it for quite a while now, and it's really fun. If you don't have it, you should consider it.
Ryan will be remembered.
I'm unranked.
After winning 5 comp games I have now lost 3 in a row, partially because I'm actually going against people who are good, and partially because my team is ass. Or we play against smurfs.
Like srsly how do you expect us to win when one guy is trolling, another is a s1, and the other team knows what they're doing. Like rlly wtf gaben give me something to work with, unrankeds cant carry evrytime.
Like I get the clutches but it's hard to get that one guy off the head glitch at A on dust2 when you're 14-15 and it's a 1v1. It's stressful gaben, I need motivation not s1's screaming in my ear.

On another note, opened a pheonix case, got a covert weapon, it would be an aug instead of an asiimov. the next 2 were poop opens.
Dammnit i just lost my 10 games win streak in csgo from a hacker team boosting their noob friend, awper getting one on smoked long from ct and then boom 360 n0sc0pe the guy lurking on mid doors.
Some people need to let some steam they need VACations
gnm btw
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
Since this is going to be a csgo thread i have a chroma 2 key but no case will trade the tcs foreskins

its only a csgo thread until kristis and me start with the lol talk ;)

SEM here, stopped shortly before GN got bored of the game..... got a xbox 360 with halo reach thoo and about to get destiny
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