View Poll Results: Which one is best?
10 Votes / 55.56%
1 Votes / 5.56%
4 Votes / 22.22%
2 Votes / 11.11%
1 Votes / 5.56%
Voters: 18. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
Voting closed! TommyTank wins!
This competition is a test, to see if people will actually bother participating in a competition made in-clan anymore.

The goal is simple. You must make a replay that starts with you flipping, coming in contact with uke before you land on the ground and proceed to beat the hell out of him. There will be an example at the end of this post.

The winner will be determined by popular vote, from inside the clan and out, if people will bother to vote in the thread. Competition voting will start the first of october.

There will be no prizes, as this is simply a test, and I am broke. However, you will still have won the competition, and I'm hoping that I'll be seeing some good replays all around.

Note: replay is shit and done in 10 turnframe, but you get the point.

UPDATE: extending to october 8th and adding a 25k TC prize thanks to stonewall having a big wallet. Let's make some great things to get that money, guys!

You can submit a new replay if you want to.


EDIT: Since the replays were done in simply a few minutes, no one deserves the prize. Try a bit harder next time please. I frankly feel the comp was a failure with the amount of people who showed up and the quality of replays.
Attached Files
comp show.rpl (32.9 KB, 20 views)
Last edited by Chozo; Oct 9, 2008 at 12:19 AM.
Well, I guess I pass the test...yay! I want a certificate and...umm....cake yeah cake, lots of cake..and not 'the cake is a lie' kind of cake. Oh and a party hat... actually, Frak that! make that a Pirate hat, now we're really talking.

Anyway here is my replay, with a smecksy flip that makes Uke sick up some blood! I can't say that I really beat the hell out of him but he got what he deserved in the was cake... but Uke only ever gets the lying kind.

Hopes you all are happy, healthy and having fun. I look forward to seeing some other replays here, as the prize is surely too much for one man to burden himself with for the rest of his days.
Attached Files
ttflip to pukey uke.rpl (143.6 KB, 30 views)
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Choo! Choo!
The post above contains the best replay ever.

Not that it discourages me from posting my own. :P

It's basically me trying to go back to my good old days in Wushu. I think it went pretty well. FYI, the action pretty much ends after the arm comes off.
Attached Files
brokedance.rpl (107.1 KB, 18 views)
<stonewall> spiritBot: choke on a dick
<&spiritBot> That's not a floating planet.
I find it a bit meh, but I can't stand making replays, and have never been good at them in the first place. Regardless, my entry is there. I may add another, I may not.
Attached Files
Stonewall-wasaflip_nowamadman.rpl (190.4 KB, 17 views)
My replay is FAIL. Damn you all for posting epic-ness before me! ^_^
Attached Files
1-comp1.rpl (65.8 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by smeebob; Sep 27, 2008 at 09:44 AM.
insert sig there
I serverely lack the ability to create single player replays. Sorry.
You people are pathetic, and me as well. Extend the voting date by a week and I'll throw in a 25k prize.

Oh, and winner gets real estate, whatever they want that won't get me banned on the back of my tb head for a month.
Last edited by Stonewall; Sep 30, 2008 at 12:01 AM.
This generosity may well inspire me to try and make a proper replay, I shall see what can be done.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Choo! Choo!