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A full use of the MOTD on official servers
Not that big a change, it might hopefully work in getting the community more involved and interactive.

Basically, I think the MOTD system could be utilized way better. Like a daily message, hence the name MOTD aka message of the day.

Something like "Hey there, looking to learn parkour? Art? Not to worry, check the forums <link to the forums> and find tutorials on the tutorial index."

I had this idea because I recently just donated my deal with it glasses for this give away abxy is doing for the newer members of our community. I just think this idea would be a great way to get guys into using the forums, learning about the events and a couple other stuff.

I personally know either High Voltage or AeroTack took a while before they could find the forum and find his clan page. I forgot who it was since I was in a skype call and they sounded kinda similar to me.

Anyway, yeah, just set up and easy way to set MOTD's in lobbies for GM's or other members of the staff, maybe even something qi restricted or a randomized list of possible MOTD's you can get in the day.

Opinions and suggestions to improve this are highly appreciated.

Cheers and good day!
I think this would be pretty cool, as I read I just kind of thought of how globals are set up, maybe you can pay to have your MOTD sponsored for a day and show up on everybody's screen to promote your thread or whatever whenever you join a room!
But would this be for all servers at one time (the same message for all servers at one time?)

"Kill them with kindness and bury them with a smile"
God ABD player and masterful Daycare.tbm connoisseur
Originally Posted by abxy View Post
I think this would be pretty cool, as I read I just kind of thought of how globals are set up, maybe you can pay to have your MOTD sponsored for a day and show up on everybody's screen to promote your thread or whatever whenever you join a room!

Maybe, would be a pretty fine way of sinking TC at the same time too. Anyone who pays for their MOTD does two things at once, brightens/ helps someone out with a random act of kindness and sinks a bit of TC.

Like globals, I think it should be free for staff though. I mean obviously right? Just felt like I needed to point that out before someone mentions it.

Originally Posted by Alterations View Post
But would this be for all servers at one time (the same message for all servers at one time?)

Hopefully, if it were to be recoded/programmed to be able to be utilized to the best of its capabilities, it wouldn't be.

There could be some qi-restricted room MOTD's (min belt,max belt) so that the MOTD gets to a target audience. Something more of the beginner sanctuary type of thing for the new guys, more of events for the more seasoned ones.

To ensure different MOTD's almost every room, there could be a pool of possible ones. The server could then maybe refresh ever 30 minutes to say a different MOTD. If that's too complicated, then it could just be a random MOTD for every official room. How it get's the MOTD, just the pool of possible ones.

I hope I got my thoughts across, again this is just an idea atm. It isnt that too too polished just yet. Suggestions and other ideas are very much appreciated.