Original Post
High quality LARGE custom Head animation
Welcome to my shop!
gimme a day or two i'll have a snazzy banner worked up
oh and please note I AM NOT using cinder's tutorial for this but jams old one :<
Here we can provide
  • Custom animations!
  • Varied lighting :O ( Brighter diffrent colors etc )
  • Neck joint variaty! (colors size etc)
  • High quality images!
  • Affordable costs!
Examples of my work!

The first head requested is totaly FREE OF COSSSSTTTTT! Speaking of cost heres the prices!

Simple head animation 100x100- 1k
Simple head animation 200x200- 1.5k
Simple head animation 500x500- 4k
Custom head animation 100x100- 3k
Custom head animation 200x200- 4k
Custom head animation 500x500- 7k
Extra High Quality setting- 1k moar
Neck joint coloring- FREEEE!

Lighting takes a bit to get so an extra fee of 500 tc will be extracted to whom ever request

Size: the file size
Frames: how many frames you wish there to be
Speed: slow medium fast etc
Movement: please be descriptive for this it only makes my job easier :

Last edited by ravenger; Sep 27, 2008 at 10:25 PM.
Since that tutorial everyone is opening shops like this one. Come up with some movement patterns :P

And give a example of extra high quality
man can i still be the first to get a free head
if so i would like a version of the head i have in my avy
i can resize it for u to make it the right size
ACUATLYYY I am not useing cindermomo's tutorial I am using jam's old (bleep)ing one because oldschool is better bitch :< yes jake you can get the head if you order first :P
oh yeah a order form ... one minute

Size: the file size
Frames: how many frames you wish there to be
Speed: slow medium fast etc
Movement: please be descriptive for this it only makes my job easier :P

oh and because i don't want to choose just one of you guys i'll give all the people posting before this post free heads :O
Last edited by ravenger; Sep 27, 2008 at 04:25 PM.
100 frames
crazy spinning then slow to almost stop and spin aain (however u want to do that)

damn it i wasnt first
if thiis isnt free then dont make it for me
Size: 100x100
Frames: 75
Speed: Meduim-Slow
Movment: Look left - frontflip - look right - frontflip repeat

Neck colour: Toxic
High quality: Yes
Lighting: Yes

(full works basically)
Last edited by OldBean; Sep 27, 2008 at 04:33 PM.
Echomarine 4 the win