Original Post
Old school looks
As someone who likes to take a nostalgic look at toribash, i would appreciate a "Old School Look" option.

I mean the black outlines, known from toribash 1.0
I miss them sometimes.

If it's already possible to make TB look like that, please tell me how.
evil Führer of Evil
Thank you jkawig.
Thats cool too...

But i actually want to play the latest version with the black outlines from the early toribash games.

I just dont loke this sparkling shading stuff.
I like keeping it simple.
But just by deactivating the shaders, you dont have those outlines.
evil Führer of Evil
I don't like everything shiny and stuff too. I play in minimum graphics. There's no black outline but it looks simpler and cleaner than higher graphics.
Last edited by Lazors; Sep 17, 2015 at 07:13 AM.
Still i really miss those Blackberry Limes.

This Is totally wrong. Autocorrect ftw.
evil Führer of Evil
I'm almost positive that someone released a patch that allowed you to play TB versions 3.7 and below online, but I don't know where you could find it.
Not worth patching old versions, too many ingame changes since then so they're pretty useless for playing MP now.

As for the old render, alas it's gone. The entire non-shader render was switched around the Wii release (to match the Wii version) so the outlines are gone for good.

The closet you'd manage to get now would involve coaxing hampa to re-add the old cell shading option for shaders; which he should totally do since the hardware issues of the time aren't a thing now. ¬_¬

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you