Original Post
(Flame) Flaming-infinity
Welcome to (Flame) Flaming-infinity An Elemental Clan such Fire, Air, Water and Earth.
Our Main Mods are Mushu, Wushu and Aikido.

[WAPOW] WAPOW, (MAU) Martial Arts Uncontested, (Uchiha) Uchiha Clan, (Uzumaki) Uzumaki Clan.
Single Allies: Cooper.







Clan Bank

(Flame) Recruitment.
Last edited by Pendragon; Apr 15, 2016 at 03:37 PM.
Thanks for accepting me in this clan. Btw I can make a better clan story rrude, ill post it in here or ill pm you if its done
maybe you should make posting in thread MANDATORY/REQUIRED to clan members so this clan wont be boring or something
Last edited by Sc1ence01; Nov 22, 2015 at 10:06 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Weirdest Tori in Toribash
<Diuwaybuns> Toribash is unprotected sex
find me in game and I shall test you in our three main mods and explain what is needed of you. unless of course I already have. if thats the case you are welcome to retry the test if you feel you have improved enough to pass. have a good day and, or night.
Is this it? Ok I know I'm new but we are going to need the things listed below:
-Clan application thread
-Clan discussion thread
-Clan invasion thread (Semi-Optional)so people can make inquiries about the clan
-Rules and regulations i.e Post once per day on clan discussion thread
-War managers and a war team (Who excels at what and who does what)

I can set up a lot of these if you desire.Let's get this clan running, you have enough members to have a fairly active discussion thread, let's get them posting, let's get official, do we have a clan bank? Let's take over the show!
Bring On The Thunder!
Dude, shoving a tube down your dick is absolutely preferable to getting up to pee ~Risk 2K16
Thanks to accept me in this clan.
I hope this clan is active in forum, maybe start talking about something could make this clan active?