Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Ok why are marketeers so rude 2 other people and I've been looking at people offer on items(people who market) and they try 2 basically scam people hard out of profit or not even profit they give them a shit offer and expect them to sell it to them at that price, I think if your gonna market you should do it right and why are they rude people??, idk if this is the right place aaa
Last edited by iTemp; Jan 13, 2016 at 02:33 AM.
you should form it into a question so you don't get infracted quick!
and people on the market make their own rules for there buying and selling you can't just say how they should run things it's not like you have to take their offers or do bushiness with them
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
I mostly avoid being rude to people. Personally, I only threat someone bad when the person is obviously annoying me on purpose. Some marketeers just want to squeeze profit from other people, buying for half of item's price and selling it for nearly market's on forums. And then, when they receive an offer they dislike, they just go rude and start harassing others. Meh, those are rude just because they want that quick profit on their hands.
marketeers are greedy, greedy people are mean
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
I personally try to offer decent prices on items I know I can sell fast.
Something that is going to take me days-weeks to sell though I can't be bothered to buy from someone unless the price is really low.

An example of this would be something like a 512 head text. I'm willing to pay 17k-18.5k depending on the current market price. I know they sell fast so it won't be a problem. Buying something like an unwanted 3D item or force, I won't dare pay for it if the price isn't significantly lower than the market price.

However, I'm never rude about prices (at least I don't see me ever being rude about offering, etc). I don't know why some people get so mean about prices though when they don't get what they want to be offered or someone is being too high on their price (above market, etc).
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Originally Posted by DruggedPanda View Post
I personally try to offer decent prices on items I know I can sell fast.
Something that is going to take me days-weeks to sell though I can't be bothered to buy from someone unless the price is really low.

An example of this would be something like a 512 head text. I'm willing to pay 17k-18.5k depending on the current market price. I know they sell fast so it won't be a problem. Buying something like an unwanted 3D item or force, I won't dare pay for it if the price isn't significantly lower than the market price.

However, I'm never rude about prices (at least I don't see me ever being rude about offering, etc). I don't know why some people get so mean about prices though when they don't get what they want to be offered or someone is being too high on their price (above market, etc).

You always sell for too high and offer too low no offense
Panda got ninja'd twice
iTemp, don't accept lowballs too close. Marketeers are just trying to get profits from reselling garbage, and when they see that it works, they think they can get more by offering lower prices. Yeah, they hope that there is a dumb person who will sell his full 128x for 15k (i actually found one and bought a full 128x from him for 10k, lol)
But they aren't real marketeers. IMHO real marketeers are Shevaroller, Snow, Eason, Cocacobra, and the greatest market-legend of Toribash ever - Missuse.
From 'younger' ones - the most respected are Insanity, Lucastorre and Crith. Just because they are succesful.
That's another reason to ignore current marketeers - they are amateurs, and since that, not very known. An since that, they don't deserve to be the pain in your ass)

Sorry for my English also.
Last edited by ImEmpty; Jan 13, 2016 at 07:10 PM.
The answer is simple: Marketeers want to make profit off of people, so they usually give low offers because they want to sell the item for a higher price in the future. You are not obligated to accept the offers, and you should know it by common sense and ,therefore, this thread is useless.

Please try to make more elaborated questions in the future.