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Dice Lottery [#1]
Welcome to the newest game of chance on the Toribash Forums!
Lotto #1

Dice Lottery

In this game, you bet on what number a 6 sided die will land on.
The winners will win the ENTIRE cash pool.

  • You can only bet one of the numbers.
  • On one number, you can bet a minimum of 40 TC, and a maximum of 4000 TC.
  • You must post a message telling me how much you want to bet and which number you are betting on.
  • The die is rolled by a random generator, so it is completely fair. If you want a link, here.
  • Once all 6 slots are filled up, a 5 day countdown will begin, and after those 5 days I will award the prize.
  • Message me any questions you may have.

Your chances are 1 to 6!
How could it get any better?

Of course, to be fair, I have to include a few things.

Let's say that the number 6 won. There were two winners.
If one of the winners bet 40 TC, and the other bet 1000 TC, I am obviously going to give the one who bet 1000 TC more of the pool.
Depending on the bets, I will change the winnings.
Whatever percent the of the winnings they get, the winners of this coin lottery will always win the entire cash pot.

The more you bet, the more the pool...
The more you win!







TC Pool: 0 TC

Good luck!
Last edited by flames722; Oct 10, 2008 at 02:39 AM.
there's no winning here, if you be a lot you don't stand to gain anything, so you could just put 1 tc on whatever side you wanted
<FeD> i will allow my ass being raped
"minimum of 40 TC"
"if one of the winners bet 30 TC, and the other bet 1000 TC, I am obviously going to give the one who bet 1000 TC more of the pool."
Originally Posted by srrwb View Post
there's no winning here, if you be a lot you don't stand to gain anything, so you could just put 1 tc on whatever side you wanted

like I said before, you cant bet 1TC, AND if you bet only 40 TC and other people bet a lot, I would give the other people at least 95% of the pot.

Did u read the rules?
Last edited by flames722; Oct 10, 2008 at 02:40 AM.
Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
"minimum of 40 TC"
"if one of the winners bet 30 TC, and the other bet 1000 TC, I am obviously going to give the one who bet 1000 TC more of the pool."

forgot bout that, original minimum price was 20 TC