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SFST video project
hi i think we should make a video for others to view and see how cool we are lol does anyone have shaders working on their computer? and is anyone good at video editing and has shaders??
ima crusin for a bruisn
i think a found somone to do our video KungFu now i need REPLAYS REPLAYS REPLAYS lol
ima crusin for a bruisn
I got fraps but not shadders? Were do you get it? All I'd need is some time and the music you guys want in it.
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haha i have ...some... shaders and i mean im on a mac but ive made some videos before... tho theyre not amazing or anything... haha u can find them on youtube if u look :P

er i guess i should put the link soo yea here they are: (btw this was back when i was part of [OMAGA])

-this was also before i knew how to use shaders... and how to hide stuff :P

uhhh yea i know alot more now and yea soo i can help if u want me too
avatar:DENZEL FAISON, animation: Samule
you did all the video editing? if so yes i might be interested also (saves me 5k tcs xDD)
ima crusin for a bruisn