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(Jolt) Application Center

Welcome to the Jolt Application Center, if you are here to apply, the guideline is below. If you are not here to apply then please do not post unless it is related to an application.

Please note that we only accept free form applications (basically this is like an essay), everything on the guideline must be within your application. So please take your time and put some effort into your application.

Name or Nickname


Belt (Min: Brown Belt)

Alternate accounts, their belts and clans

How active are you In-game? And what time zone do you live in?

How active are you on the forums?

Any previous clans? If so why are you no longer in them?

Why do you wish to join Jolt?

What kind of contribution can you give to the clan?

Have you ever had a ban or an infraction? If so please share.

Add a little touch of personal information. It doesn't matter what it is but tell us who you are.

3 to 5 of your best replays

Although this is optional, posting replays will greatly increase your chances of being accepted.

If your application is not a free form application, you will be automatically denied.

How a free form application should look

Applications that are being judged

To be accepted 3 member must approve of your application.

Last edited by JNRiot; Jun 2, 2016 at 04:29 AM.
I am an Otaku, I am Neet Employed, I am... NYAN GOD!!!!
Alternate accounts There Clans:no Alternate acount
How actice are you In Game: Im Active Everday 4:00pm Thorught 10:00 pm
How Active are You on Forums:Im Not that active but some Times are
Any Previous Clans:no
Reason To Join Jolt: Ive Heard It Is a Good Clan with Great Players in It
What Kind Of Tribute Can you Give Jolt:I Can Get More People To Join
Have Your Ever Been Baned:No
Denied, please use free form as implied in the guideline. Thank you
I am an Otaku, I am Neet Employed, I am... NYAN GOD!!!!
Hello, my main accounts name is Ethdogger, but my alternate is S1ay. I am 13 years old and a brown belt on Ethdogger, and orange on S1ay. Iam pretty active in game, I usually play all day, unless I am doing a group game with my friends. The days I cannot play on are Monday through Thursday, although sometimes I am able to play on those days. I am VERY active on forums; I always have it up in the background of any game. Some of my previous clans are Sting, and Mewfin. I left both clans for the same reason - inactivity of the clan. I wish to join jolt because, recently, JNRiot told me that he wanted to rebuild the clan, and I felt like helping. Also, my previous clans led to inactivity, but if you are rebuilding the clan, that means it will most likely to be active, if you choose the right people. I think I can help jolt because I can make custom heads for free - due to my enjoyment of using photoshop - and I can code in HTML/CSS to make the clan page look prettier then it already is. Also, I watch MANY toribash youtubers that host events for clans and such, so I can fill you guys in when you haven't heard of it. I have had 0 bans or infractions and I have posted 3 of my replays below.

#Hecka ez.rpl

#slay kool.rpl

Last edited by Ethdogger; Feb 21, 2016 at 06:47 PM. Reason: wrong format
I already tried him out in-game and he was decent. He made the app and re-wrote it after noticing it needed to be free form so I believe he really does wish to join and help. I'll send an invite.
I am an Otaku, I am Neet Employed, I am... NYAN GOD!!!!
Hey, my real name is Brandon Davies in link to my name iBravies. I am 16 years old and in my last year of school. I started the game yesterday, I'm sorry if it isn't long enough but it says skill isn't required.

I really like mushu because of how easy it is to dismember the other player. I also like aikido and aikido big dojo. The reason for these is just that I have won most of the games I have played in this mod and just find it fun.

Mods I don't like is judo and judofrac. This is because I feel it is too close up and can't get the hang of it but hopefully in the future I will.

I never thought about this but an active one generally but overall one that is interesting and is going places.

I havent competed in a competitive event before as I only started yesterday as stated earlier in the application but if I could I would certainly attempt it.

From Jolt I would like to learn how to be a better player in official game mods, learn game commands, and to be good at using BB code.

I don't think I have anything to offer Jolt at this stage but eventually I could offer lots of things.

On the forum I have been on and off all day but in game I play for about 2 hours everyday and hope to keep that going.

I really want to become a forum leader which I hope I can achieve with Jolt and the members within.

I really hope this clan is for me and can help me achieve my goals aswell as me assisting in Jolt achieving it's goals.
Last edited by iBravies; Feb 22, 2016 at 08:34 AM.
Anime United
hello im tetrop from Australia and i want to join jolt because i wanna have fun and i think im a friendly nice player, im on the fourms every day and my *skill* i am a little bit good at parkour/spar and akido, mushu judo excreta not that good i will be loyal and not hateful and allmost allways online
Heyo, I am Jak.
I am pretty active from about 3:00 to 9:00 on weekdays and weekends are a bit wider.
I am a person willing to give jolt a try because I have been searching for an active and skilled clan, and this is the one I found most appealing!
I am on forms at least 4 times a week at minimum.
I haven't been banned or had an infraction yet..
I am a parkourist and sparrer in my spare time. In others I am in ABD, Aikido,Judofrac, and Mushu!
I have been a part of grin and some other clan I don't really remember though. I left because they NEVER had ANYTHING to do with Wars or Hangouts.
I am willing to bring my friendlinesss and loyalty to this clan.. I am not the one to brag about being skilled.
I am also a 1st Dan!
I hope you take this application into consideration.
Sincerely, Jaknabox!
Last edited by JAKNABOX; Feb 22, 2016 at 11:08 PM.
For those of you who don't know what a free form application is, please take a good hard look at Ethdogger's application. That is what a free form application looks like. I'm willing to give everyone here a second chance to remake their applications. So please take your time and do it right.
I am an Otaku, I am Neet Employed, I am... NYAN GOD!!!!
Huh? I made a free form application?
Anime United