Original Post
[R]Full 512 set
Hi, Im back with a much clearer request.

My maximum price is still 1kktc but Id rather discuss price when it is done

Im looking for art for full 512 body & joints
  • The overall set: It is to look like a superhero (Im the superhero), either realistic or cartoon style, I am looking for very high quality. It should be scared looking and make use of transparency to show a few bullet holes on the tori (2~3)
  • The head, it should be an elaborate version of my current head, it must still be recognisable as my current head.
  • The torso, a big logo (to be designed by the artist) for this "superhero" on a tight fitting patterned suit - the pattern can be anything polka-dots, something tribal, whatever you think looks best then Ill judge it. The logo should cover the torso in the same vein as that of superman.
  • The arms, continuing in the same vein as the suit, with the same pattern, the shirt is long sleeved and extends up to, but not over the hands.
  • The suit continues with tight fitting trousers, like most typical superheroes, the pattern should of course continue.
  • Hands and feet, these should not be human, I dont really mind what they are though as long as they look nice - but must all match each other and match the colour scheme of the rest of the set, feel free to design these last
  • General colour scheme, Primary: Aurora - Secondary: Elf - Tertiary Colours: Static, any shades of purple between aurora and elf.

if you have any questions about the set post them here and I will answer your question and amend the op
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Im afraid this doesnt meet the request Im also not looking for premade sets sorry
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
smallbowl i'll try something
also want the joints to be different ? for each part or can i get away with some repeats
Ooo ooh ahh ahThe only gun I'll use is Frost's Fleshy One <3
I would like them to differ from each other if possible, im forking out a lot of tc :o
Last edited by SmallBowl; Mar 15, 2016 at 12:03 AM.
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Cheers man o7 Good luck buddy

Anyone else willing to have a go feel free
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.