Original Post
Do you like kyure as an admin?
hello i made this thread to so how people like kyure as an admin if a lot of people don't maybe we could try to get him back to the help squad rank i have created a poll to see how much people like him as an admin
Just because he infracted you doesn't make him bad or worthy of demotion. If the other staff found him worthy of being an admin then you should respect their judgment. Not too many people make that role.
Kyure is a really good guy and I'm sure he's more than capable of being a great admin. After all, he's already failed more times than most people have even tried, so he's got a lot of good learning under his belt.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Look at the calendar. If it's currently April 2nd, then look at the day before.

It was posted 6 minutes before midnight and judging by post #5 I don't think it's a joke. If I'm wrong then pm me because I don't understand subtle trolling.
As much as people rant about kyure, lets refrain from making more of these threads here please guys. This contradicts rules, etc. I shouldn't have to explain further.

If anyone does indeed have questions, please send me a pm.

Last edited by Link; Apr 2, 2016 at 07:02 AM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.