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[TTK] Team Taekkyon

Welcome to this thread!

Who are we?
Who are we We are big group of toribash players,who prefers to play in mod Taekkyon.tbm or ErthTK.tbm. Usally we called fast warriors.
Our clan gathered only the best players in taekkyon.
You could say that would get in the organization should try to spend a lot of time on this mod.

In our clan have special wound, But only for those who have what it stood

Our Focus

To bring together people who good play taekkyon

The History
In one day, the leader - Alleen start play mod taekkyon, he like a lot and spend a lot time on this mod. And later, when he got some skill, he going to say application in Order of Taekkyon. But this org dead, and he create new org, dont dead org.

Our goals

[✔] Have Fun
[✔] Maintain a close group of friends as members
[] Become a well known and well respected org
[✔] Create a Org Banner and Org Symbol
[✔] Write a Clan Story
[] Create Org Textures
[] Regularly host Org Events
[] Create Player Profile Pics
[] Host a continuous Clan Skype Chat
[] Become an Official Toribash Organisation
[ ] Create a Organisation Video

[ ] Achieve 1,000,000 TC in the clan bank
[ ] Achieve 500K TC in the clan Bank
[ ] Achieve 250K TC in the clan Bank
[] Achieve 100K TC in the clan Bank
[] Achieve 50K TC in the clan Bank
[] Achieve 10K TC in the clan Bank

[] Have 5 members
[] Have 10 members
[] Have 25 members
[] Have 50 members
Our bank name is: BankTTK

Our members
Now, in our clan have little amount of members, because this org created 09.04.2016. This members changing sometimes.
Any member has his own color, like purple.




Empty here

Want join? Read this and post application here!


Donate me paypal: [email protected]
Our social group - Here
Our bank name - BankTTK

(c) Alleen
Last edited by Alleen; Apr 10, 2016 at 12:25 PM.