Original Post
Best Selling Items
what items sell best

mainly looking for what types of forces and relaxes/3d items

but if you have anything else that's great and please comment it
<[Tint]Zubin> If you suck more people are going to think you're a girl
Orc relax/force and other cheap forces and relaxes definitely, due to their availability.
For 3D items, I'd imagine the Christmas gear.
basically anything that is put on the market for cheap, people will scope the shit out of that and buy it and sell it for a 1k ot 2k profit which is retarded but oh well
Originally Posted by ControlAll View Post
what items sell best

mainly looking for what types of forces and relaxes/3d items

but if you have anything else that's great and please comment it

There really are no "best selling items"
but a lot of items that you can sell pretty fast/easily are generally things like;

512x512 Head Texture
128x128 Head Texture
512x512 Ground Texture
128x128 Ground Texture
512x512 Full Body Texture
256x256 Full Body Texture
128x128 Full Body Texture
512x512 Full Joint Texture
128x128 Full Joint Texture

Hunter Force/Relax
Vampire Force/Relax
Quicksilver Force/Relax
Azurite Force/Relax
Platinum Force/Relax
Pure Force/Relax

Demon Wings
Swag Cap
Deal With It
Kiai Sound

There are quite a few items that sell and sometimes sell fast but again, they may or may not be "the best selling items" because they aren't always easy to get at a profitable price. Sometimes you have to go with stuff that you know is going to take longer to sell, but you can still profit from it. Also, if you're selling it on the market you have to be willing to constantly (at least a 3-4 times a day) bump/edit your prices to make sure they're on the 1st/2nd page and that they're the lowest price by at least 1tc. Generally, try and sell things that you constantly see other people wearing. Cheap items also sell fairly well because you get the "newbies" who want to buy items and they can only afford the cheap stuff, but you're not going to profit that much from these items. However, if you go too high in price or QI you run into the issue of people not having the TC or the required QI so you need to go with more or less the 1k-50k items, and sometimes higher if it's a fairly desired item.

Also, if you get any flames for about 28k or less you can usually sell them for about 30k-35k pretty easily.
Sometimes though, the "hard to sell items" actually sell pretty fast because someone decided they wanted it so don't be afraid to buy some "hard to sell items" if you can get it cheap enough.
Last edited by DruggedPanda; Apr 24, 2016 at 05:34 AM.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
Need help with any market related questions? Feel free to PM ME. <Powas> I've got a degree in 1001 techniques of masturbation
Lately I've been seeing a lot of people in-game asking about Swag caps and wanting to get a hold of them, a lot of them were willing to pay decent prices too.
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