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Transparent Textures
Is it still possible to upload textures with transparency? I tried but it filled in the transparent areas.
yes it is possible..when you upload it all the transparent part will be black but when you look at ingame it will be transparent
You can upload transparent textures, but keep in mind that having textures that are more than 50% parts transparent can get you in trouble. Just make sure that it doesn't give you any sort of competitive advantage ingame and you should be safe.
Originally Posted by MariaVirgine View Post
When you play with shaders ON, they'll look opaque. But they still work with shaders OFF.

just to add to this:

it will be BLACK when shaders are on.
Having transparent textures is HIGHLY banable. I don't recommend this.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
Originally Posted by HASSAN2000 View Post
Having transparent textures is HIGHLY banable. I don't recommend this.

thats false. As long as tthe part is noticeable as a part and you can like see it enough to be aware it's there, youre fine

I think there is a 50% rule or something, but idk (dont make it completely invisible)

Also, don't go thinking you will be banned for a little transparency.

about the textures not working, can you explain the process you are using to make them transparent?
Last edited by Link; May 5, 2016 at 09:41 PM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by Link View Post
thats false. As long as tthe part is noticeable as a part and you can like see it enough to be aware it's there, youre fine

I think there is a 50% rule or something, but idk (dont make it completely invisible)

Also, don't think you will be banned for a little transparency.

about the textures not working, can you explain the process you are using to make them transparent?

you wont be banned for transparency unless you refuse to change the textures so make them 50% visible