Original Post
(Y__) Y__

Welcome to the humble clan, [Y] - Y
The meaning of [Y] - Y is to just hang around and chill with our members, perhaps learn new skills and gather new astonishing players.
If you find any mods that are interesting, don't hesitate to send them into our thread so we can look at them. What we are looking for
are significant Sparrers, adventurous Parkourers, unique Trickers, creative UKE-Bashers, unbelievable MAS players and also brilliant Freedom Fighters.

If you've just joined [Y] - Y, you will start off being in the lowest rank "[Y]" You can gain a higher rank if you stay in [Y] - Y
for a long time or if we just make you a rank just for the fun of it.

The founder that created this clan is the grand, HOPE.
If you have any sort of questions about the Clan, Mods, Sparring,Tricking, Parkour, MAS, UKE-Bashing, Wars or general Toribash information, please don't hesitate to ask us.
If you don't manage to get around to HOPE, the members are always willing to answer your questions.

• Have 5 Members [✔]
• Have 10 Members [✔]
• Acquire 15 Members [✔]
• Acquire 20 Members [✔]
• Acquire 10 pages [✔]
• Acquire 20 pages [✔]
• Have 50,000 TC in the bank[ ]
• Have 100,000 TC in the bank[ ]
• Host an event [ ]
• Become Official [ ]

• Be kind to everyone
• Be mature
• Keep the swearing to a minimum
• Flaming is NOT allowed
• Have fun and relax
• NO Racism


Welcome to [Y] - Y Discussion Thread.
This is where we all chat with the impressive clan members and other generic Toribashians that are not in the clan.
We can Chat to Clan Members and non-clan members, discuss off-topic events or related events.
We can post replays to be judged on, we can post WIP's of our replays and be given ideas and feedback.
we can post Toribash related Youtube Video's and fantastic Music and also we can post WIP's of YouTube Video's to be given
idea's and feedback.

And the rest is to just keep this thread clean as possible, maturity is required, flaming is NOT allowed.
If you do break any of these rules, we will give you a fair warning, if you keep breaking the same rules,
we will have to take action or staff will handle it.

Our Events will be posted in here, there will be Clan events, which is only for Clan Members, and we will obviously be doing Public Events with excellent prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners, Items or TC, or maybe both!
Thank you.

Clan Allies

Single Allies

Sexiest Allie

Application Thread
Discussion Thread

With Special Thanks To HASSAN For Creating Our Clan Art!
EveryThing Was Written By HOPE
Last edited by max; Nov 20, 2016 at 01:35 PM.
Lol why did u close the other thread?

Also Wat does incisive mean?
Doing art requests, PM me on discord Propialis#0839
Richard brandson, i officially hate you.
Quick spar with ruins, sadly virgin screwed me over ;c
Attached Files
Beta.rpl (241.9 KB, 13 views)
Closing as per request

EDIT: Reopened thread. Please use this thread for all your posting purposes, not a separate discussion thread.
Last edited by duck; Aug 1, 2016 at 11:06 PM.
You got this Ruins! I know this will be an awesome clan (just like OK). Why'd you leave eVo tho? : o I thought you liked it there
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Hi, newguy here.

Made this replay like 3 years ago
Attached Files
#workinprogres.rpl (221.5 KB, 12 views)
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

Welcome Colors. Proud to have you a part of us! And how do you have replays from 3 years ago? What's that sorcery? I'd have like 5 full folders if I saved them all.
Chara: "Who knew people can have periods from their chests?"
i have a few replays indeed, lmao. Found this one on a usb drive.
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3