Original Post

the opener lost flow completely at frame 340
u became really stiff and it looked like u just held all and raised ur right shoulder
until then the opener was ok
everything going into the first kick was kind of avg and uninteresting
as soon as u grabbed uke's torso after that kick ur speed doubled, and i mean speed is good but try stay fast throughout a lot more of the replay because u were slow as fuck before it
could have done something with the lower body too, u were close enough to

try different shit, to try something really stupid and it's more interesting than slow realistic movement

the other madman:

opener had lots of potential but letting ur left leg hit the floor around frame 400 made it lose all potential momentum
slight ghost at frame 315 and i wasn't really a fan of the kick after it

kick at 270 was pretty nice and the followup grab looked nice too

split was ass, try hit it with ur foot because instead ur shin just scraped and it looked really sloppy
i like the way you went into the kick, nice that it was a little grab to pull it towards you and the body form u have going into the kick is nice but yet again its really badly aimed and doesn't have a lot of momentum so the dms it results in aren't really redeeming
movement after that kick is bad, left arm contracted and raised looks pretty stupid
pose was ok other than the twitch in the knee u did to get into it

try get more momentum in general in your replays, and then figure out where to apply it
keep going !1!!
Sorry i haven't posted for a long time xD

Here's a few more of my replays
Attached Files
negative hope.rpl (413.5 KB, 23 views)
no hope.rpl (282.9 KB, 23 views)
Hope Destroys.rpl (295.4 KB, 23 views)
When you take my money.rpl (238.1 KB, 19 views)
Going to be using this thread again xD been a long time
Attached Files
Tsunami .rpl (343.7 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by max; Jan 13, 2019 at 04:26 AM.
cool replay, if a bit short

i like the buildup for the punch, nice speed
the split was nice, but it didn't really give you a good position to continue the replay (which i felt like it should've)

i'd like to see a bit longer and more creative movement in future replays
I actually like a lot this kind of kick/spin where you use the kicking leg to support your body and finally rotate. Opener was generic but ended up with this thing I just mentioned so it's cool. The next punch-kick combo was short and nothing really awesome about it but you still did it pretty great, you don't even look rusty for someone who quit toribash for some time
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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Watch my Replays!

lol that was actually funny.
that was nice and clean for a short replay.

p cool b
static | toad (ormo) max | haku