Every character in the comic is someone from the community that was around during that time. I actually dl ppl tories and draw as best I could so they look as their sets.
During the intro you can see Powas in one shot. ;> Also, lots of ppl from Piratez, like Gravy...
During the fight between Akumabeast and Abel, when Abel says: ''I know you, we fought before.'' It is homage to their forum squabble and in-game duels.
Fight between Lexx and Pntdexter was short on purpose. If I remember correctly, it is done in that way because in the replay both players were jumping around each other the whole fight until Lexx grazed the Pntdexter and won by some mediocre point value. Pntdexter was pissed about it on the event pages, that's why he is also pissed in the comic, calling Lexx cheater.
Irmantax was an alt of Dark Samurai, and for a time he was a god in wushu with his improvisations and comebacks, so I kinda hoped he will go through preliminary fights. But he lost first fight (he would have a chance to comeback in other fights during the event), but he was pissed about it, was pissed on how the event was conducted and left the event... That's why his fight doesn't have a resolution and ends ambiguously. I wanted to honor him even though he was a drama-bitch sometimes.
Tripstone had an idea of the Super-unknown. It would have been a spin-off story... Sadly, never happened.
Dex did push his opponent out of the ring and it was a stroke of luck for him since he was losing on points. It was funny to watch and was great opening fight for the comic.
Some trivia. :}
Also, I wasn't planning to draw all 35 fights. Nope. I would just drew few from each rounds. Able's fight was the last one of the first round.
Btw, spoilers: Darkness won! I think Lexx was the champion.
Last edited by 8OJ4N; Sep 23, 2016 at 08:15 PM.