Original Post
New post icon
I cant go into much detail, because there isnt much to say...
Have you seen the little paper icon by each forum topic? yes that thing.
i've been playing this since 2012. and never noticed it...
(i quit sometime in 2013 and came back early this year so i've only played 2 years :P)

i feel like it gives the forums a bad look.
that's it
i just really hate that little paper...
also, the top bar where it shows
forums shop market etc,
yea that that doesn't go very well with white, maybe change the colors a little bit and make that similar to the top bar color?
that or make it a gradient.
i guess what i'm asking for is a reformat.
art horder. i like art.
mod requests: https://discord.gg/VEYqUSU