Original Post
TEXTURES - by eagleclaws, workshop master

sry for inconvinience.
Last edited by EagleClaws; Jan 25, 2009 at 06:25 PM.
i cant do ingame screenshots yet couse i dont have tc to buy head texture...and so i cant aply my own textures in miself to go ingame and take screens.

if you guarantee your going to send back a screenshot(no ghost screenshot, that shows the texture with quality) i give you the "This is SPARTA! - gray camo" texture for free.

also becouse of this, i coldnt test the textures...but, following the template, i almost sure the textures are going to be almost perfect, and i will correct any bad visuals and update the texture if needed and send it to who buyed it...

IMPORTANT: any updates are obviously free, if you buy a texture, u have it for lifetime.
Last edited by EagleClaws; Nov 4, 2008 at 12:56 AM.
1000tc for a copy/paste sparta head? ripoff :/
2500tc for the same texture, but with camo behind it? ripoff :/

unfair prices dude, lower them XD
Former Item Forger
lol they make nightmare's prices seen like more bang for the buck.

Plus the sparta head isn't even proportioned right. >.>
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
as i sayd. i had no reference of how wold they look like ingame bfore i make the spinny heads...adjusts are on the go and updating to adjusted version is free for who buyed old versions of the texture to be updated.
Originally Posted by Stupinator View Post
1000tc for a copy/paste sparta head? ripoff :/
2500tc for the same texture, but with camo behind it? ripoff :/

unfair prices dude, lower them XD

yea ur right... but i based the first prices an another C/P head with even lower quality and higher ´price so at first i thinked that this was gonna be a cheap texture..(i saw the other shops after your post and discovered that the shop i based the first prices coldnt be serious) sorry for that.

im gonna lower the pirces imediately...
Last edited by EagleClaws; Nov 6, 2008 at 03:11 PM.