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[AUCTION]Pilot: You have Beautiful Eyes...
Start 1k
min raise 1k
Autobuy: 2k

Aimed at you ladies out there. ;)
Last edited by DarkJak; Nov 7, 2008 at 07:52 AM.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
How many heads do you churn out a week >.>

I dont especially like it but that's just me. It's a good piece of work but not my style.
Echomarine 4 the win
Oh. Ok. It's just that my last set STILL hasn't sold. >.>

Now, I think I have experience in close to all of the head types. So I guess I can continue on my halo set.

I won't be releasing another batch for a while.
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]