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✪✪ Great Book Of Aeon (NOW GREAT AGAIN) #MAGA ✪✪
The GREAT Book of Aeon

(click on the logo to listen to the Aeon Soundtrack)

Clan Video by TheCobra

Here you find all the stuff you need to know about our GREAT Aeon

If you plan on joining our GREAT family of Aeon, you may post an application (unless you come from one of the 7 clans which have been banned from entering Aeon because terrorism)
Immigration Office

We will improve this clan to the best of our abilities, which are terrific abilities by the way, everyone agrees. We have fantastic abilities. So there's no problem with our abilities, believe us...
As of today we are introducing an "immigration ban" to stop the bad ones from entering our clan. If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the "bad" would rush into our clan during that week. A lot of bad "dudes" out there!
Clan Goals & List of banned Clans

Unlike TheAnimal's tax returns, which are totally private (and also the best tax returns, btw), you may see who is part of our administration here:
TheAnimal Administration

We Aeons make the best Replays... and nobody makes better Replays, believe us.
THE BEST Replay Thread

If you really love this clan you have a very, very hard time taking a break and convincing people that you’re actually really active. And, like, a lot of us are really active. I’m really active – I play at least once a day.
Inactivity Thread. SAD!

TBMedia is FAKE NEWS put out by the Devs, and played up by the event squad, in order to mask the clan league defeat and the illegal leaks!
NOT FAKE News Thread

As stated before, TheAnimals tax returns are PRIVATE and all the leaks about them are FAKE NEWS. SAD!
Actual Tax Returns

We use the greatest discord. We know the best discord servers. I'm in the Aeon Discord – I know the good ones, the bad ones. I always say: ‘I know the ones people think are good.’ I know servers you’ve never heard of that are better than all of them.”... Aeon's Discord is totally one of them. It's fantastic. Absolutely terrific, believe us.
Aeon Discord

Last edited by Chirs; Mar 25, 2017 at 03:06 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump