Original Post
Made this thread to discuss back and forth, thoughts on lifting. here's my opinion.

Why on gods green fucking earth would you decide to lift? takes the fun right out of the game, not only for your opposition, but for yourself also. leaving the player suspended in air with nothing but momentum to work with whilst slowly being walked out of the fucking ring (talking about aikkido bd ofcourse) then people have the fucking audacity to say it's your fault for not being good enough like, what the fuck did it take you? two raised shoulders and half of a brain? get real. i wouldn't be making this post if it wasn't a common occurrence. like legit if you find a duel server with a single dude in it you can put safe money on him trying to lift soon as you fucking enter. i just think this is a bullshit trend and anyone following should feel sorry for themselves. Fuck lifters.
Up on malancholy hill, there's a plastic tree~
"Bullshit trend" Have you ever played a 1st person shooter where a certain gun is meta and everyone in fucking existance including yourself uses it? that's lifting, g e t o v e r i t b u d d y
they call me ????????????
It's a game based around fighting.

I love replaymaking, but this game isn't centered around that. Rather than just talking about privileges that replaymakers should have, suggest them. I'd be damned if there was a realistic/reasonable suggestion for one.

Either way, it's not nearly as big as the fighting community, but there certainly is a community around replaymaking. Talk to people who make replays, cnc in the board, meet with people ingame and you'll find it.

To be honest, you're making pointless excuses.
Short answer: Git gud m8
Longer answer: Lifting is indeed an efficent technique, but it doesn't mean it is OP, as you describe it. As you fight with lifters you might loose hundred times, but sooner or later you will end up developing a technique that not only counters the lift, but also gives you opportunity to DQ your opponent. Have you seen any real life boxer or any kind of fighter excuse his loss with saying that "Opponent used a technique that was impossible to counter"? A good fighter analyses the technique and develops a counter for it. If you say that lifting does not bring any fun to game, bring it by challenging yourself to counter it! It's just matter of time and technique.

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
Lifting is quite frustrating but there is no way around it. It will always be a thing. Which means you should get accustomed to it.
Back from the dead.
Ton of useless posts without any explanations. So that's been cleaned up.

To answer your question - You're given a small arena to fight, leaving the arena causes you to lose. Obviously, that lends itself to a meta of using any technique that either a) lifts the opponent out or b) counters lifts by striking at vulnerable joints. In most high level play, both players actually will either go for a shovel, or a direct shovel counter. That's the nature of the mod. There's a skill to lifting, and there's a skill to not being lifted and staying low.

To put it as Diamond told me back when I was trying to learn from him (as I consider him one of if not the best aikido players and general players in TB) - the best way to learn how to stop getting lifted is to not get lifted in the first place. He's right, there's a lot less technique involved in how to land and there's a lot less decisions to make once you're in the air. The decisions that become critical are the ones involved to make sure you don't get lifted in the first place.

I guess you can be like Snake and only play with friends who abide by their own custom rules or stipulations if you can't handle playing optimally, but I'd advise learning from the experience instead of raging.
personally I like lifting people out of the ring
but when they counter its when it gets really fun because you are both trying to lift each other and you have to focus on staying on the ground
and you can use your knees to rip off your opponent arm or use grab glitchs if possible
I also find boring to not use the opportunity to lift your opponent when you can do it
So, what you're saying is that we shouldn't win by doing what's good in this game? I'd lift you again and again if this is how you handle it instead of playing around it.
I recommend finding a way to counter it. Its part of the game, so there's nothing wrong with it. Like Call of Duty: Camping is frowned upon - yet no one gives a shit. Until then, be like me and get lifted the fuck out the ring.

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