Original Post
Totally rad replays!
Sup bitches. Its all about the kicks.
Attached Files
sexykicks.rpl (146.2 KB, 103 views)
Kickmp.rpl (54.8 KB, 67 views)
KickstraOrdinary.rpl (76.7 KB, 75 views)
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
Not much to actually criticize with these replays. The way they are is perfectly fine. I think the last one felt too short though, you maybe could've added something.
Since when did I become Asian?
Thanks jdawg. I got 3.6 yesterday so i dont got any replays.
But dont worry, Il post more soon.
Edit: here ya go!
Attached Files
grabandstiff alert.rpl (162.4 KB, 49 views)
Last edited by Splinter; Nov 15, 2008 at 08:11 AM.
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
Oh man gawd.

That last replay was so freaking awesome. Beautiful spins, and I love how you paused like that in mid air. Brilliant.
u wan fite bruv ill mash yer fokn ead in sware on me mum
Haha, serious shit right here man! Very smooth, fast and stylish. Only thing is that the second one looked like it was more luck than anything else, but it was a nice shot. :P
9/10 for the bunch. (Remember, the perfect replay is a lie!)
Do make more!
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Shook you are my vavorite replay maker. And that you like my replays makes me warm and fuzzy inside.

I try kickdecap:
Attached Files
vertical spindecap.rpl (62.7 KB, 40 views)
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread