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Change 3D items / Flames ETC
I can't play the game with objects / particles / hair on because someone else is always wearing an obnoxious combination of them all, so I was thinking of an option to only be able to see your own items while disabling everyone elses.
You can go to the options in game and turn of 3D items and flames but this also turns of yours
suck my dicknballs

Originally Posted by Ash4136 View Post
You can go to the options in game and turn of 3D items and flames but this also turns of yours

that completely defeats the purpose of my idea. i want to be able to wear my own items without being bothered by other peoples
I doubt this is a strong enough reason to implement it tbh.
If your computer can't handle flames or 3d items then simply don't play with them or invest in a new computer.
it's not that my computer can't handle it, it's that others peoples items can be obnoxious and make it nearly impossible to play, which is what my whole point was. I want to be able to see my own 3d items / flames on without being bothered by other peoples items.
Originally Posted by Hypersaint View Post
Don't like what other people are using 3d objects and flames for?, don't enable it.
As simple as that.

Don't like what oxygen is used for? Don't breathe it.
As simple as that.

I completely agree with this suggestion, I want to be able see my own items without having to deal with people who have way too many 3d items on.

Apathetic User
Originally Posted by Hypersaint View Post
Don't like what other people are using 3d objects and flames for?, don't enable it.
As simple as that.

But I want to be able to see my own items that I paid money for without having a disadvantage because my opponent happens to be wearing multiple huge flames / objects :thinking:
I've also been thinking about something like that. I think there's a way to make .obj items appear only in replays, but I'm not sure how to turn it on and/or if that suits your needs.

One way you could approach this problem would be if you could disable flames or 3D items or even sounds for certain players.
Originally Posted by AssassinPro View Post
I've also been thinking about something like that. I think there's a way to make .obj items appear only in replays, but I'm not sure how to turn it on and/or if that suits your needs.

One way you could approach this problem would be if you could disable flames or 3D items or even sounds for certain players.

well yeah, thats the whole idea

a way to disable all items / flames / etc for everyone except only your tori