Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Platinum recruitment
Hello i am xxezio i will be the one making this app for you. Now lets go over some of the things to join this clan called Platinum.(must be at least five sentences AND I MEAN FIVE!)

First we need to know your age.

Then we want to know your GTM

We would like to know what are your skills in toribash and just how they can help. EX: Im a good abd player


When you were born

Your belt or alt (if you have one)

Some things about you we want to know about you, what else you do besides play toribash

And last Why do you want to join the clan Platinum

Lets just explain some things because people will get denied form this when i say five sentences i really do mean it. If you dont do this then you will be denied really fast with out us even reading it. You must answer all of the questions we asked above not answering one will be denied fast. Number the questions when i say this, On the first question but number one and keep going until its done.

Ok thank you for reading this to join I wish you good luck to join!