Original Post
10k - Robotic trails
I want some robo trails to suit my /lp 0 ninjaaipom to see it. it should be red and robotic. The best trails will receive 10000tc, they need to be red/black. I also dont want them to be a giant rectangle, i want them to be transparent on the edges to make shaped trails. I also like the chain style.
robotic trials...mhm...maybe cables and this electric thing xdd...volts?yeah i think i mean volts...
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finished ill send u in pm i don't have enough time to make screens , ask me if you want anything else to add in

Edit: Sent .
Last edited by Malvado; Dec 9, 2008 at 11:17 PM.
it is going to be hard cuz i dont have textured trials and i dont know where i have custom folder.i didnt install toribash C:/ProgramFiles...
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i want to put it in my custom folder.what should i do just move it from my folder to my custom folder??i see there is l_thigh r_tricep l_tricep .i must name it
r_trial or something like that??
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Hey , yeah i did thats just the background , i said what do you want me to put on it because i have no idea , do you want like Wires or something ? , and if so what colour etc