Original Post
(Mafia) Mafia Recruitment
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Hello, I'm Louie, Founder/Leader of (Mafia) Mafia.

Here at Mafia, our main goal is to be the very best day and night. If you would like, you could participate in that huge goal. And our other goals are... well... let's just say if I told you, I'd have to kill ya.


~Must be over Black Belt
~Must be active
~Any past clans? if so, who, and how long?
~List your discord (example ppfart#6969)
~please read our rules on our forum and discord
~don't be a poopoohead
~Respect your higher ranks
~Don't try anything funny ;)

So Whaddahya say? Are you in?

Yours Truly,

Last edited by Louie; Jun 16, 2021 at 08:59 PM.
Fly me to the moon
Hey can I join mafia I am over black belt I am active, my past clans are: All stars and Taira and i'm not too aggressive and I will respect higher ranks than me and heres one of my replays https://gyazo.com/761d6d9080fe037e9d3ef59c83704502 and my discord is BombasticElemental#7712
Last edited by REPOMaster; Oct 14, 2020 at 06:05 AM.
Originally Posted by DaVillain View Post
A very well skilled clan. I recommend Hoverboy91 to your fine circle.

Tell Hoverboy91 to reach out to me
Fly me to the moon