Original Post
Moar Replays!
here are some more replays(D'uh!). i personally think im getting better but, as always, rate or hate pl0x!

Added: Revenge for self decap
Attached Files
Bilza - Smash kick.rpl (38.2 KB, 16 views)
Bilza - Power Heel.rpl (46.7 KB, 12 views)
Bilza - head rip.rpl (38.3 KB, 11 views)
Bilza - Arm Snap.rpl (43.5 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by Bilza; Dec 19, 2008 at 01:04 PM.

Does No-one Ever Poat In My Replay Threads?

[/legal bump]
Last edited by Bilza; Dec 19, 2008 at 04:05 PM.
Don't do symmetrical things and stay away from the hold all button.

Revenge For Self-Decap was tutorial.

At the start of a replay, you have 500 frames. I look at your reps and see you using about 100 of those frames - the rest is just you furiously attacking the space button thinking dismemberments or nice hits will come all by theirself.

You don't use all you could in a replay. I pressed the E button at about the 345th frame and got a nice decap, both hands dismembered and managed to make a nice pose, at which point i accidently started watching the replay and pressed E at the very start and now i can't be bothered to make it all back again.
Last edited by Magix; Dec 19, 2008 at 06:59 PM.
Whoop Whoop