Original Post
[REQ] A Real First-Person Script.
(Sorry if this was already requested, but the search bar came up with nothing.)

So yeah, everyone knows that Toribash has a less-than-great First Person camera angle, so I was wondering if someone could make a script for a REAL fp camera.

Nothing special involved, but I just don't want the camera always focused on Uke's head; Possibly the camera follows Tori's line of vision?

Thanks in advance. :3
NewbLuck a "prototype" while back (don't expect him to make any changes)
lemme find it................
not exactly what you want, as it was meant to be an actual game (set high frames, new game, press p, scroll mouse to fire I think)

v made by NewbLuck
^made by NewbLuck

(just so no one thinks i made it)
Last edited by Blam; Dec 29, 2008 at 03:02 PM.
Here you go.

There are some issues I can't do anything about. I can only set the camera position and where it's looking, and it's like the eyes stay level with the horizon.

I also had some bug where Uke's head was invisible, but it seems to have magically disappeared. Let me know if you run into that.

You can cycle through the cam modes by hitting 7.

Attached Files
fpCam.lua (2.2 KB, 454 views)
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
you probably (99%) pressed 6 by accident, making it go onto uke head cam, where his head is invisible
Yeah. That sounds about right. I'd originally thought that it was because I set the cam position inside the center of the head and it was some sort of weird masking bug.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
I downloaded hte free head cam, but it wont let me use it. it says open. i click open. it opens a new window. the window goes away. It says open again. do you know whats wrong? please pm me