Original Post
Bassically just an experiment with rendering and shiz.
But I like the outcome, so I made it into a wallpaper. 8D

also a 1280 x 1024 version.

rate 'n shiz.
Last edited by Mapleleaf; Jan 5, 2009 at 02:50 PM.
very nice maple, the pose is perfect, the hammer is awesome, but the handle should go through both his hands no?
Former Item Forger
Very epic

reminds me of super Mario 10/10

the hammer is perfect in every way D:

it looks like it's actually metallic :V
Ishi4admin Wh-ORMO
not a bad render, also what program are you using?

Criticism points (note; it's a good render I'm just saying how you can improve)

-The floor is a little off setting because of the texture, having a reflective or shiny floor I find works well with toribash chars because it fits the game.

-The hammer model is rather strange, thought about looking into war hammer's on Google images for inspiration?

-this might look good with volumetric light, meh just an idea really...

-The position of the hands needs to be worked on a bit, one is barely grabbing the handle and the other almost has it going through it's wrist.

-The torso seems to be bent so far back it's broken, try bending the legs further back and the abs a little forward then rotating the whole model to get the same pose you seem to be going for but without the broken abs.

-Green, pink and tan? please please please pick better colours.

-Maybe add an uke in the foreground but only partly on camera, or over the shoulder shot to make it seem as if you are about to hit uke, this might bring more life and movement to the image.

bonus points:
-not bad shading.
-hammer does look metallic.
-good ideas for the pose.

model: 16/25
pose: 18/25
textures: 6/25
shading: 20/25
overall: 60/100

Side notes:
-keep practising, it's worth it with you :3.

-the link on your post is broken (the link for the larger verson)
your link: http//
Last edited by Vox; Jan 5, 2009 at 02:41 PM.
That's a real comment, thanks Vox.

I know about the hammer, it's just a model I made a while ago when I was bored, no serious project or anything.
I used it here because I rreeeaallllyyy, couldn't be arsed to make another model.

What's wrong with my textures? Dragon and Sphinx + acid.
I know the acid looks like crap on the legs. But I cba to edit them.

The uke idea is nice btw. Might do that now. 8D
what do you mean by "non-experienced" dbuhos?

it's obvious that mapleleaf is experienced with at least 3d apps if not C4D.

see 931bw for examples of non-experienced people.
Former Item Forger