Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
PM from Nirs
Originally Posted by Nirs
[00:42] <Uke0700> Hey Nirs! Are you a mod, and do you speak (Russian?)?

[00:42] <Nirs> yes

[00:43] <Uke0700> Great! Hey, I need your help. Some dude won't give me my textures, but I think it's because he has no clue what I'msaying.

[00:43] <Nirs> whats his nickname?

[00:43] <Uke0700> Tarantu1a

[00:44] <Nirs> yea. i know him
[00:44] <Nirs> is he online now?
[00:44] <Nirs> i see no

[00:44] <Uke0700> Can you get him to understand, and lemme check pls. Pls hold. Pls.

[00:44] <Nirs> okay

[00:45] <Uke0700> Damn, he isn't online
[00:45] <Uke0700> Can you send him a message in his language on behalf of me?

[00:47] <Nirs> probably

[00:47] <Uke0700> Okay, you there?
[00:48] <Uke0700> This is what I want you to say, but in russian, or what he speaks, something along the lines of "I'm translating for uke0700, give him his textures or I will teh B& yoo"

[00:48] <Nirs> lul

[00:49] <Uke0700> Yhat set he mede looks sick, I just want to get it

[00:49] <Nirs> uke, give me proves of your deals

[00:49] <Uke0700> Can you access my sent msgs?

[00:49] <Nirs> did he rly promised you textures?
[00:49] <Nirs> errr
[00:50] <Nirs> okay, anyway, i talk with him about you, but

[00:50] <Uke0700> I wrote out ahugeass wall of text clearly enumerating the details

Тарантула, че там у тебя за дела с этим юки?
Вобщем, uke0700 бегает и требует что бы тебя забанили, т.к. типа ты ему должен текстуры, но не высылаешь их.
Разберись с этим вопросом в кратчайшие сроки, пока юк не добежал до какого нибудь другого смода и тебя действительно не забанили.

Если ты считаешь, что текстуры ему не должен, пришли мне ПОДРОБНОЕ ОПИСАНИЕ ВАШИХ ДОГОВОРЕННОСТЕЙ.

Originally Posted by Tarantu1a
Nirs спасибо что написал хоть, я вполне адекватный, но либо мы друг друга не понял с Uke0700 либо он меня дурит и всех нас. Вот ссылка на сет который я продаю:
Так как видишь он писал что отправил мне личное сообщение. В нем было следующие:
" Your Amber/Pure Texture set
I am willing to give you 60k worth of textures for this set which is on sale for 15k. Also if possible recolor to crimson?

ty, Uke0700
Как я понял решь идет о деньгах, он хочет приобрести у меня этот сет за 60к.
Я не успел ещё ничего ответить, приходит следом другое письмо:
" Texture Set "Amber|Pure"?
Please answer my request! If somehow my last PM didn't get to you, I am offering 60k (60,000 toricredits) worth in texture sets, for your texture set.

You may say I'm paying too much, but I would also like to request that if possible you recolored the set to be Crimson|Pure instead of Amber|Pure.

Please respond, I really want to have that set.


Мой ответ:
Mr. Uke0700 I start to work!!!
The difference in time between, is too great, therefore has not answered.
I will be glad if my set falls into in your good hands. Thanks!

Вот снова он пишет:
Thank you very much! You will be glad you did business with me.

Дальше следующие, я перекрасил сет:
I have made it for you. When the transaction will take place? Mine ник Tarantu1a. I will wait!
Вот его пост: (Тут могло быль недопонимание, спрашивал на этот счет Korvin'a, он сказал что меня разводят и ещё денег хотят срубить.)
links to the .rar files containing 60k worth of textures. The names of the files are the colors of the textures (azurite, crimson). Also I feel obligated to give you this block of text:

I, Uke0700, hereby entitle you, Tarantu1a, to resale these texture sets in any way you please, for as many toricredits (TC) as you please (on behalf of yatzekk, designer of the sets). If you please, you may provide a commission up to 50% of the TC earned to me (optional). You will receive these textures in exchange for the set "Crimson|Pure".


Thanks for the set! I am eagerly awaiting my set

By the way, what GMT are you in? :P

Дальше показывать сообщения? Nirs, спасибо за внимание.


im sending this pm to slipanc (as most experienced support) and to avwave (as smod-designer).

im confused and cant solve one problem.


http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=160154 tarantu1a is selling set. Uke0700 sent him pm:
Originally Posted by Uke0700
I am willing to give you 60k worth of textures for this set which is on sale for 15k. Also if possible recolor to crimson?

Tarantu1a misunderstood him and thought uke0700 will send 60k for recolored set. (yes-yes, tarantu1a is russian and uses google-translator :| )

anyway, Tarantu1a answered OKEY, recolored his set and sent screenshot of set to Uke0700.

after that, Uke0700 sent to Tarantu1a two archives with two sets
Originally Posted by Uke0700
links to the .rar files containing 60k worth of textures. The names of the files are the colors of the textures (azurite, crimson). Also I feel obligated to give you this block of text:

I, Uke0700, hereby entitle you, Tarantu1a, to resale these texture sets in any way you please, for as many toricredits (TC) as you please (on behalf of yatzekk, designer of the sets). If you please, you may provide a commission up to 50% of the TC earned to me (optional). You will receive these textures in exchange for the set "Crimson|Pure"

Tarantu1a waited money and didnt send set to uke0700. Uke0700 contacted me (and post report about scamming http://forum.toribash.com/showpost.p...&postcount=247), i explained Tarantu1a his mistake and he sent set to uke0700

okay. one part of that problem solved, but....

whats fair price of uke0700's sets? These are two same recolored simple sets. One set is mix of two textures.
I tryed ask uke0700 about it:
<Nirs> why do you think worth of your textures is 60k?
<Uke0700> Well I sent him two sets with the full right to resell. Each holds a value of about 30k. 30k times two equals 60k, right?
<Nirs> no. maybe worth of one set is 30k, but second (recolored) hasnt same price as original

but we cant found fair way to check price of these sets.

so, guyz, what do you think about it?

example: if tarantu1a will try sell two sets and noone will buy it for 60k then is that means uke0070 cheated him?
If max bid in the auction will be 20k for both sets then uke0070 will compensate 40k?
If tarantu1a thinks worth of uke's sets isnt 60k then he can avoid deal?

so, i said - im confused. i said uke0700 dont use tarantu1a textures while we discuss about that problem.
Help me please.
Last edited by Nirs; Feb 20, 2010 at 05:47 PM.
