He claims that he talked to Logic about joining, and that he got in.

From a PM:

Originally Posted by razorsharp
Originally Posted by Logic
Originally Posted by razorsharp
uuuhh, my clan might die pretty soon, for more info just go to armageddin's forms.... i was wondering if u could help me get into ToriGod? Respond soon kuz i need to make up my mind.... Im 5TH DAN Razorsharp and my previous clans were- DAT,TAG,Leader of AMG,Toriknights,uTi,virus,and Elite.

Sounds good, in terms of former clan membership, but unfortunately Torigod is dead-ish as a clan, and doesnt really take new members at this point.But... i think i can Squeese you in.You have permission to put tag on Grats.

From another PM:

Originally Posted by razorsharp
Originally Posted by Logic
Originally Posted by razorsharp
but dont you need permission from leader to get me in?

Permission granted, the leader said it was ok as long as you didnt suck, which you dont, im aware you are one of the three JudoLeague leaders and creators.Point is. Welcome to the clan

By the way, hi im new in ToriGod, but Tre doesnt think its true kuz he is too ignorant to admit im better, he always makes shitty excuses to get me banned =.=
... but then why did Logic tell me i could join, he said he asked leader, and by the way i dont even know you... so how do u not like me?

You disgust me. ~Dalir
Last edited by dalir; Jan 16, 2009 at 07:11 AM.
The only active leader right now is Zaarock, and it seems unlikely he'd approve of a new member without even knowing who he was. I'm guessing that either Logic was yanking your chain, or there's been a misunderstanding of some sort.

Too bad you already quit from your clan and even wrote about it in your signature, haha.
Last edited by Imsku; Jan 16, 2009 at 03:06 PM.