Original Post
DeathReapers Art Thread
post your art here! doesnt have to be toribash related, or even edited using or gimp, it just have to be your work. using tutorials is fine, as long as you link to it.

if theres anything else ill add it later.

unleash you artistic talents!

some of them were actually really easy, but the bottom one is a 3d render done using blender,which was quite hard
I wanna start makin textures, any tips? I am good with photoshop =) how do I test what they would look like on uke/another person? How do I even open a texture shop?
(Hive people only, haha!)
well, making textures is easy, but using effects to make them look good is hard. using bevel and layer styles is the way people like benD make awesome textures, to test what they look like, download this, put the textures in the folder (named corectly) and then open the previewer. opening a texture shop is easy: just make some fairly good texxtures, make a thread in the market section and sell them at reasonable prices,and if someone requests something, try your best and if its good theyll pay, if not theyll ask you to change sopmething and thats how you get better
Yeah I have a really good looking one, but I wanna see how it looks hehe I use GIMP for the most part with some addons.
(Hive people only, haha!)
why dont you pm me with it, im not gonna stral from a clan mate, but yea, ill look at it and suggest improvements
is it a head texture? if it is, you flatten the img to one layer, go filters-> animation -> spinning, change the frames to any where between 30 - 40, change the other value (should be on 62 - 63) to 0 and click go. wait for it to finish then save as a gif, then make sure it is an animation, not merged as 1 frame. then upload it to imageshack/photobucket and use the forum hotlink here

Kinda crappy for my first one =0 I think its kinda cute with the XD face lol I wanna make a o_0 face hehe
Last edited by LadyDEATH; Jan 19, 2009 at 11:32 PM.
(Hive people only, haha!)