Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Music Tastes
So what kind of music do you guys like? I personally like metal, rock, metal, techno, and metal. And in case I forget, metal. You can guess which is my favorite. I like Slipknot, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, etc.
Only Emos /wrists
rock, emo(linkin park, My chemical Romance, etc)..........ok any thing that relates to rock.......cept country, country rock sucks.
This public announcement was brought to you by your friends at Degeneration X, who want to remind you that if you aren't down with that, we've got two words for ya! Suck it!
well done videoboy, slipknot ftw
my toricharacter has the slipknot logo on one arm and slipknot written across the other (yes i have textures)

you guys need a bit of techno
ever heard of hocico or dioxyde? gothic rave! :P
o I forgot, I like Basshunter, which is basicly dance/rave/romance music. Vid h8s Basshunter. Listen to some of his songs.
This public announcement was brought to you by your friends at Degeneration X, who want to remind you that if you aren't down with that, we've got two words for ya! Suck it!
No, Please, DON'T, I'm already scarred for life from that crap. No one deserves that. It could replace the death penalty.
Judge: "You have been found guilty of 32 counts of murder. I sentence you to listen to one song by Basshunter every day."
Lawyer: "Your Honor, This is cruel and unusual. Couldn't you find it in your heart to fry my client?"
Judge: "Now, get out of my sight or I'll make it two songs a day. Court is adjourned."
Only Emos /wrists
Ya fuck u
This public announcement was brought to you by your friends at Degeneration X, who want to remind you that if you aren't down with that, we've got two words for ya! Suck it!
The stereotypical image of a chav is a white aggressive teen or young adult, of working class background, who wears branded sports and casual clothing (baseball caps are also common) who often fights and engages in petty criminality and are often assumed to be unemployed or in a low paid job.


Ok some of that is true(not really) but I don't fight(much) and vid would be the 1 who engages in petty criminality. Also I dont have to be aggresive since intimidation from my height normally doesnt make ppl wanna fight with me. And I dont wear casual clothes. That would more likely discribe Vid.
Last edited by TomBeam; Feb 6, 2009 at 03:33 AM.
This public announcement was brought to you by your friends at Degeneration X, who want to remind you that if you aren't down with that, we've got two words for ya! Suck it!