Original Post
Clan Server
Okay so I know we usually have a room open called DeM, but I was thinkin maybe keepin it open 24/7? I don't know if anyone here knows anything about bots, but maybe we could try to make one that op'd anyone with the DeM tag (if its possible)? =P I'll need some more input from you guys, so post here.
(Hive people only, haha!)
No, not anyone with the DeM tag should get authed, just you will do, maybe you have to type a password to the bot to get auth, but i dont like the idea of everyone being authed.

Good idea, though.
collect snots from the nose
Atleast you and Gynx should be authed . But it would be a great idea
WHat about the clans Sexy ?
"My motivation is Failure" Call me Person.
{DarDarDarDar Dakneshh.}
XD I don't mind having it auto op some members of the clan, cause atleast that way if me and gynx are not there and the mod is something lame, you can still change the mod.
(Hive people only, haha!)
Sorry for the invade but I can point you in the right direction.

Juntalis made a bot that would OP anyone in the list - it was user name based. Sadly he never finished it, but there's a working 'demo' in the mods/third party forum.

(btw - gratz on being official at last)

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Awesome thanks skulfuk. =P Maybe I'll get the clan server goin tonight, bein a weekend and all it will probably get pretty active. Wewt.
(Hive people only, haha!)
Thanks for your help SkulFuk, it's much appreciated.
collect snots from the nose